
第 11 屆 iThome 鐵人賽


MySQL 學習筆記系列 第 4


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  • 前面幾天的內容,是對資料庫基本的認識。接下來藉由操作記錄10人資訊的資料庫,來讓我們更瞭解資料庫能做什麼。



MariaDB [class]> create table bk1 select * from students;
MariaDB [class]> show tables;
| Tables_in_class |
| bk1             |
| students        |

查特定欄位,輸入欄位名稱後 就只會秀出這幾個欄位資料

MariaDB [class]> select cName,cPHONE from bk1;
| cName  | cPHONE     |
| 簡奉君 | 0922988876 |
| 黃靖輪 | 0918181111 |
| 潘四敬 | 0914530768 |
| 賴勝恩 | 0946820035 |
| 黎楚寧 | 0920981230 |
| 蔡中穎 | 0951983366 |
| 徐佳螢 | 0918123456 |
| 林雨媗 | 0907408965 |
| 林心儀 | 0916456723 |
| 王燕博 | 0918976588 |

在指令中,把欄位名稱後加入 as 可以在查詢結果上變更成你要的欄位名稱


MariaDB [class]> select cid,cName as sname ,cPHONE from bk1;
| cid | sname  | cPHONE     |
|  01 | 簡奉君 | 0922988876 |
|  02 | 黃靖輪 | 0918181111 |
|  03 | 潘四敬 | 0914530768 |
|  04 | 賴勝恩 | 0946820035 |
|  05 | 黎楚寧 | 0920981230 |
|  06 | 蔡中穎 | 0951983366 |
|  07 | 徐佳螢 | 0918123456 |
|  08 | 林雨媗 | 0907408965 |
|  09 | 林心儀 | 0916456723 |
|  10 | 王燕博 | 0918976588 |

不用加入 as 也能置換 但要在原本的欄位名稱後面輸入你想要顯示的欄位

ex:cName後面加入myname即可置換 無須再加入as

MariaDB [class]> select cid,cName myname ,cPHONE from bk1;
| cid | myname | cPHONE     |
|  01 | 簡奉君 | 0922988876 |
|  02 | 黃靖輪 | 0918181111 |
|  03 | 潘四敬 | 0914530768 |
|  04 | 賴勝恩 | 0946820035 |
|  05 | 黎楚寧 | 0920981230 |
|  06 | 蔡中穎 | 0951983366 |
|  07 | 徐佳螢 | 0918123456 |
|  08 | 林雨媗 | 0907408965 |
|  09 | 林心儀 | 0916456723 |
|  10 | 王燕博 | 0918976588 |

排序 【order by 應用】

MariaDB [class]> select cid,cName myname ,cPHONE from bk1 order by cid;
| cid | myname | cPHONE     |
|  01 | 簡奉君 | 0922988876 |
|  02 | 黃靖輪 | 0918181111 |
|  03 | 潘四敬 | 0914530768 |
|  04 | 賴勝恩 | 0946820035 |
|  05 | 黎楚寧 | 0920981230 |
|  06 | 蔡中穎 | 0951983366 |
|  07 | 徐佳螢 | 0918123456 |
|  08 | 林雨媗 | 0907408965 |
|  09 | 林心儀 | 0916456723 |
|  10 | 王燕博 | 0918976588 |

反向排序 【order by.....desc.】

MariaDB [class]> select cid,cName myname ,cPHONE from bk1 order by  cid desc;
| cid | myname | cPHONE     |
|  10 | 王燕博 | 0918976588 |
|  09 | 林心儀 | 0916456723 |
|  08 | 林雨媗 | 0907408965 |
|  07 | 徐佳螢 | 0918123456 |
|  06 | 蔡中穎 | 0951983366 |
|  05 | 黎楚寧 | 0920981230 |
|  04 | 賴勝恩 | 0946820035 |
|  03 | 潘四敬 | 0914530768 |
|  02 | 黃靖輪 | 0918181111 |
|  01 | 簡奉君 | 0922988876 |


MariaDB [class]> select cid,cName myname ,cPHONE,csex from bk1 order by csex;
| cid | myname | cPHONE     | csex |
|  01 | 簡奉君 | 0922988876 | F    |
|  09 | 林心儀 | 0916456723 | F    |
|  08 | 林雨媗 | 0907408965 | F    |
|  07 | 徐佳螢 | 0918123456 | F    |
|  05 | 黎楚寧 | 0920981230 | F    |
|  06 | 蔡中穎 | 0951983366 | M    |
|  04 | 賴勝恩 | 0946820035 | M    |
|  03 | 潘四敬 | 0914530768 | M    |
|  02 | 黃靖輪 | 0918181111 | M    |
|  10 | 王燕博 | 0918976588 | M    |

有條件 【where】 的排序(只選擇女生)

MariaDB [class]> select cid,cName myname ,cPHONE,csex from bk1
    -> where csex ='f';
| cid | myname | cPHONE     | csex |
|  01 | 簡奉君 | 0922988876 | F    |
|  05 | 黎楚寧 | 0920981230 | F    |
|  07 | 徐佳螢 | 0918123456 | F    |
|  08 | 林雨媗 | 0907408965 | F    |
|  09 | 林心儀 | 0916456723 | F    |

以亂數隨機出現分數 【rand()】

MariaDB [class]> update bk1 set score=rand()*101;
Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.051 sec)
Rows matched: 10  Changed: 10  Warnings: 0

MariaDB [class]> select cid ,score from bk1;
| cid | score |
|  01 |     4 |
|  02 |    77 |
|  03 |    70 |
|  04 |    19 |
|  05 |    85 |
|  06 |    67 |
|  07 |    79 |
|  08 |    92 |
|  09 |    22 |
|  10 |    36 |

【floor()應用】 往左邊取數值

MariaDB [class]> select floor(100.5);
| floor(100.5) |
|          100 |

MariaDB [class]> select floor(-100.5);
| floor(-100.5) |
|          -101 |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

【ceil() 應用】 往右邊取數值

MariaDB [class]> select ceil(-100.5);
| ceil(-100.5) |
|         -100 |

MariaDB [class]> select ceil(100.5);
| ceil(100.5) |
|         101 |

增加一欄國語成績 沒有正負號 【unsigned】預設值分數為【default 0】

MariaDB [class]> alter table bk1 add ch int unsigned default 0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.015 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

MariaDB [class]> desc bk1;
| Field     | Type                         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| cID       | tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill | NO   |     | 00      |       |
| cName     | varchar(20)                  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| cSex      | enum('F','M')                | NO   |     | F       |       |
| cBirthday | date                         | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| cEmail    | varchar(100)                 | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| cPhone    | varchar(50)                  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| cAddr     | varchar(255)                 | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| score     | int(11)                      | YES  |     | 0       |       |
| ch        | int(10) unsigned             | YES  |     | 0       |       |


MariaDB [class]> update bk1 set ch=floor(rand()*101),
    -> eng=floor(rand()*101),
    -> math=floor(rand()*101);
Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.013 sec)
MariaDB [class]> select  cid,ch,eng,math from bk1;
| cid | ch   | eng | math |
|  01 |   13 |  59 |   55 |
|  02 |  100 |  32 |   60 |
|  03 |    5 |  48 |   21 |
|  04 |   63 |  52 |   73 |
|  05 |    4 |   6 |   17 |
|  06 |   70 |  95 |   62 |
|  07 |   28 |  56 |   93 |
|  08 |   96 |   0 |   16 |
|  09 |   79 |  45 |   91 |
|  10 |   15 |   4 |   79 |


MariaDB [class]> select cid,ch,eng,math,ch+eng+math score from bk1;
| cid | ch   | eng | math | score |
|  01 |   13 |  59 |   55 |   127 |
|  02 |  100 |  32 |   60 |   192 |
|  03 |    5 |  48 |   21 |    74 |
|  04 |   63 |  52 |   73 |   188 |
|  05 |    4 |   6 |   17 |    27 |
|  06 |   70 |  95 |   62 |   227 |
|  07 |   28 |  56 |   93 |   177 |
|  08 |   96 |   0 |   16 |   112 |
|  09 |   79 |  45 |   91 |   215 |
|  10 |   15 |   4 |   79 |    98 |


MariaDB [class]> select cid,ch,eng,math,ch+eng+math score,(ch+eng+math)/3 avg from bk1;
| cid | ch   | eng | math | score | avg     |
|  01 |   13 |  59 |   55 |   127 | 42.3333 |
|  02 |  100 |  32 |   60 |   192 | 64.0000 |
|  03 |    5 |  48 |   21 |    74 | 24.6667 |
|  04 |   63 |  52 |   73 |   188 | 62.6667 |
|  05 |    4 |   6 |   17 |    27 |  9.0000 |
|  06 |   70 |  95 |   62 |   227 | 75.6667 |
|  07 |   28 |  56 |   93 |   177 | 59.0000 |
|  08 |   96 |   0 |   16 |   112 | 37.3333 |
|  09 |   79 |  45 |   91 |   215 | 71.6667 |
|  10 |   15 |   4 |   79 |    98 | 32.6667 |


MariaDB [class]> select avg(ch) from bk1;
| avg(ch) |
| 47.3000 |

查詢全班國語成績最高分 【max() 應用】

MariaDB [class]> select max(ch) from bk1;
| max(ch) |
|      99 |

查詢國語全班成績最低分 【min() 應用】

MariaDB [class]> select min(ch) from bk1;
| min(ch) |
|      20 |

選出男生英文分數 【用where條件式】

MariaDB [class]> select  cid,csex,eng from bk1 where csex='m';
| cid | csex | eng |
|  02 | M    |  12 |
|  03 | M    |  87 |
|  04 | M    |  95 |
|  06 | M    |  88 |
|  10 | M    |  98 |


MariaDB [class]> select avg(eng) from bk1 where csex='m';
| avg(ebg) |
|  46.2000 |


MariaDB [class]> desc test1;
| Field | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| f1    | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| f2    | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| f3    | varchar(4) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| f4    | varchar(4) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
MariaDB [class]> insert into test1 values (12,34,'4ok','ok4');
MariaDB [class]> select f1+f2 f12 from test1;
| f12  |
|   46 |

MariaDB [class]> select f1,f2,f1+f2 f12 from test1;
| f1   | f2   | f12  |
|   12 |   34 |   46 |

MariaDB [class]> select f1,f3,f1+f3 f13 from test1;
| f1   | f3   | f13  |
|   12 | 4ok  |   16 |

MariaDB [class]> select f1,f4,f1+f4 f14 from test1;
| f1   | f4   | f14  |
|   12 | ok4  |   12 |

字串相加 【concat 應用】

MariaDB [class]> select concat(f3,f4)from test1;
| concat(f3,f4) |
| 4okok4        |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [class]> select concat(f1,f2)from test1;
| concat(f1,f2) |
| 1234          |


MariaDB [class]> select format(123456789.123,3);
| format(123456789.123,3) |
| 123,456,789.123         |

建立群組 【group by 應用】

MariaDB [class]> select cid, cname,csex from bk1 group by csex;
| cid | cname  | csex |
|  01 | 簡奉君 | F    |
|  02 | 黃靖輪 | M    |


MariaDB [class]> select cid, cname,csex,count(*) from bk1 group by csex;
| cid | cname  | csex | count(*) |
|  01 | 簡奉君 | F    |        5 |
|  02 | 黃靖輪 | M    |        5 |


MariaDB [class]> select cid, cname,csex,count(*),avg(ch) from bk1 group by csex;
| cid | cname  | csex | count(*) | avg(ch) |
|  01 | 簡奉君 | F    |        5 | 79.0000 |
|  02 | 黃靖輪 | M    |        5 | 33.8000 |


MariaDB [class]> select cid, cname,csex,count(*),avg(ch),sum(ch) from bk1 group by csex;
| cid | cname  | csex | count(*) | avg(ch) | sum(ch) |
|  01 | 簡奉君 | F    |        5 | 79.0000 |     395 |
|  02 | 黃靖輪 | M    |        5 | 33.8000 |     169 |


MariaDB [class]> select cbirthday from bk1;
| cbirthday  |
| 1987-04-04 |
| 1987-07-01 |
| 1987-08-11 |
| 1984-06-20 |
| 1988-02-15 |
| 1987-05-05 |
| 1985-08-30 |
| 1986-12-10 |
| 1988-12-01 |
| 1993-08-10 |


MariaDB [class]> select year('1999-01-02');
| year('1999-01-02') |
|               1999 |


MariaDB [class]> select month ('1999-01-02');
| month ('1999-01-02') |
|                    1 |


MariaDB [class]> select cbirthday from bk1 order by cbirthday;
| cbirthday  |
| 1984-06-20 |
| 1985-08-30 |
| 1986-12-10 |
| 1987-04-04 |
| 1987-05-05 |
| 1987-07-01 |
| 1987-08-11 |
| 1988-02-15 |
| 1988-12-01 |
| 1993-08-10 |


MariaDB [class]> select year(cbirthday),count(*) from bk1 group by year(cbirthday);
| year(cbirthday) | count(*) |
|            1984 |        1 |
|            1985 |        1 |
|            1986 |        1 |
|            1987 |        4 |
|            1988 |        2 |
|            1993 |        1 |

群組分類完後 裡面學生個別的分數平均跟總和

MariaDB [class]> select year(cbirthday),count(*),sum(ch),avg(ch) from bk1 group by year(cbirthday);
| year(cbirthday) | count(*) | sum(ch) | avg(ch) |
|            1984 |        1 |      57 | 57.0000 |
|            1985 |        1 |      43 | 43.0000 |
|            1986 |        1 |      99 | 99.0000 |
|            1987 |        4 |     193 | 48.2500 |
|            1988 |        2 |     157 | 78.5000 |
|            1993 |        1 |      15 | 15.0000 |


MariaDB [class]> select year(cbirthday),count(*),sum(ch),avg(ch), csex from bk1 group by year(cbirthday) having csex='f';
| year(cbirthday) | count(*) | sum(ch) | avg(ch) | csex |
|            1985 |        1 |      43 | 43.0000 | F    |
|            1986 |        1 |      99 | 99.0000 | F    |
|            1987 |        4 |     193 | 48.2500 | F    |
|            1988 |        2 |     157 | 78.5000 | F    |


MariaDB [class]> select year(cbirthday),count(*),sum(ch),avg(ch), csex from bk1 group by year(cbirthday);
| year(cbirthday) | count(*) | sum(ch) | avg(ch) | csex |
|            1984 |        1 |      57 | 57.0000 | M    |
|            1985 |        1 |      43 | 43.0000 | F    |
|            1986 |        1 |      99 | 99.0000 | F    |
|            1987 |        4 |     193 | 48.2500 | F    |
|            1988 |        2 |     157 | 78.5000 | F    |
|            1993 |        1 |      15 | 15.0000 | M    |


MariaDB [class]> select year(cbirthday),count(*),sum(ch),avg(ch), csex from bk1 group by year(cbirthday) having avg(ch)>=60;
| year(cbirthday) | count(*) | sum(ch) | avg(ch) | csex |
|            1986 |        1 |      99 | 99.0000 | F    |
|            1988 |        2 |     157 | 78.5000 | F    |


MariaDB [class]> select year(cbirthday),count(*),sum(ch),avg(ch), csex from bk1 where csex='m' group by year(cbirthday);
| year(cbirthday) | count(*) | sum(ch) | avg(ch) | csex |
|            1984 |        1 |      57 | 57.0000 | M    |
|            1987 |        3 |      97 | 32.3333 | M    |
|            1993 |        1 |      15 | 15.0000 | M    |

分頁資料 【limit 應用】

MariaDB [class]> select cname from bk1;
| cname  |
| 簡奉君 |
| 黃靖輪 |
| 潘四敬 |
| 賴勝恩 |
| 黎楚寧 |
| 蔡中穎 |
| 徐佳螢 |
| 林雨媗 |
| 林心儀 |
| 王燕博 |

MariaDB [class]> select cname from bk1 limit 3;

| cname  |
| 簡奉君 |
| 黃靖輪 |
| 潘四敬 |

MariaDB [class]> select cname from bk1 limit 0,3;
| cname  |
| 簡奉君 |
| 黃靖輪 |
| 潘四敬 |

MariaDB [class]> select cname from bk1 limit 3,3;
| cname  |
| 賴勝恩 |
| 黎楚寧 |
| 蔡中穎 |

MariaDB [class]> select cname from bk1 limit 6,3;
| cname  |
| 徐佳螢 |
| 林雨媗 |
| 林心儀 |

MariaDB [class]> select cname from bk1 limit 9,3;
| cname  |
| 王燕博 |


MariaDB [class]> select cname , ch from bk1 where ch >= 60;
| cname  | ch   |
| 簡奉君 |   96 |
| 黃靖輪 |   63 |
| 黎楚寧 |   95 |
| 林雨媗 |   99 |
| 林心儀 |   62 |

列出國語分數大於等於60分 不等於62分

MariaDB [class]> select cname , ch from bk1 where ch >= 60 and ch<>62;
| cname  | ch   |
| 簡奉君 |   96 |
| 黃靖輪 |   63 |
| 黎楚寧 |   95 |
| 林雨媗 |   99 |

列出分數介於60~100分中間的 【between 應用】

MariaDB [class]> select cname , ch from bk1 where ch between 60 and 100;
| cname  | ch   |
| 簡奉君 |   96 |
| 黃靖輪 |   63 |
| 黎楚寧 |   95 |
| 林雨媗 |   99 |
| 林心儀 |   62 |


MariaDB [class]> select cname , ch from bk1 where ch not between 60 and 100;
| cname  | ch   |
| 潘四敬 |   29 |
| 賴勝恩 |   57 |
| 蔡中穎 |    5 |
| 徐佳螢 |   43 |
| 王燕博 |   15 |

列出 分數為63或43或58的學生 【or 應用】

MariaDB [class]> select cname , ch from bk1  where ch=63 or ch=43 or ch=58;
| cname  | ch   |
| 黃靖輪 |   63 |
| 徐佳螢 |   43 |

MariaDB [class]> select cname , ch from bk1  where ch in (63,43,58);
| cname  | ch   |
| 黃靖輪 |   63 |
| 徐佳螢 |   43 |


MariaDB [class]> select caddr from bk1;
| caddr                  |
| 台北市濟洲北路12號     |
| 台北市敦化南路93號5樓  |
| 台北市中央路201號7樓   |
| 台北市建國路177號6樓   |
| 台北市忠孝東路520號6樓 |
| 台北市三民路1巷10號    |
| 台北市仁愛路100號      |
| 台北市民族路204號      |
| 台北市建國北路10號     |
| 台北市北環路2巷80號    |

找出資料內含有"北路"的 【like 應用】

MariaDB [class]> select caddr from bk1 where caddr like'%北路%';
| caddr              |
| 台北市濟洲北路12號 |
| 台北市建國北路10號 |

MariaDB [class]> select caddr from bk1 where caddr like'%建國路%';
| caddr                |
| 台北市建國路177號6樓 |

MariaDB [class]> select caddr from bk1 where caddr like'%建國%路%';
| caddr                |
| 台北市建國路177號6樓 |
| 台北市建國北路10號   |

MariaDB [class]> select caddr from bk1 where caddr like'%6樓';;;';
| caddr                  |
| 台北市建國路177號6樓   |
| 台北市忠孝東路520號6樓 |

MySQL 基本指令運用
MySQL 學習筆記8
{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

